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Fancy Guppy

23 14:14:01

I have a tank with a heater, and a filter, and a 'bubble' block as well.
(just in case you needed that information)

Now to my question:
I have 1 female fancy guppy and 1 male fancy guppy in my tank with other fish. I heard that when the female fancy guppy is pregnant, the gravid spot will become large and dark.
Well, my female guppy's gravid spot is basically black, only she is not very plump, nor is the spot growing.
It has been about 2 weeks since I have observed this.

Is something wrong? What is going on?

Thanks so much!!

Hi Chloe;

It can take 6 weeks for her to have babies so it may just not be time to see a lot of growth yet. There are other possibilities too. If she is young, she may have had a couple of small litters already and the babies were eaten before you saw them. Or, if she is older, she may be past reproducing age. It's even possible you have a sterile male. I would just watch her for another couple of weeks and see what happens. Keep up with weekly 25% water changes so the water stays healthy enough to breed in. Water changes encourage breeding by telling the fish that it's springtime.

You could also get another female and see if your male will produce through her. There really should be at least two females per male anyway. Males can literally chase a female until she dies if she can't get enough of a break from the male. It just stresses her to death. If he isn't chasing her, maybe he's older and not interested anymore? Who knows. Hopefully something will happen soon.

Good luck...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins