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Oscar with an orange and gray mass on its eye

23 11:46:25

Just in the past few days, our Oscar, Leroy, who is almost 8 years old has developed a round mass on one of his eye's which is the size of a pea.  It is orange in color with a cloudy film on the outside.  It almost looks like one of his food pellets but not as thick.  If I were to try to get it off he would surely go crazy. We are concerned and not sure what to do for him.  

How long do Oscars live anyway?

Hi Kiki,
 Oscars can live well into their teens; a few make it to 20 years.

 I don't think that there is anything that you can do about the eye, other than wait and see what happens. For example, I don't think trying to scrape it off would do any good, and could easily cause even more problems.

-- Ron
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