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clown plecco attatching to goldfishes side

23 15:11:19

I have a 10 gallon tank.  In it are 2 larger sized standard goldfish and a clown plecco which I just added 2 weeks ago.  The larger goldfish ( about 5 inches long)...has a sore on it's side ( I suspect it had a parasite)...the area lacks scales and is white....and is not healing......the clown plecco keeps attaching it's mouth to the sore area...and also other areas on both gold fishes bodies...but mainly concentrates on the raw area.  Actually..I think the plecco removed a parasite that had been on the area when I first put the plecco in the greatly upsets both gold fish...they go nose down, tail up for a few seconds to a minute each time they have to fight off the plecco.....The plecco is doing an amazing job of keeping the aquarium clean.....maybe he doesn't have enough to eat?  He definately is super hyperactive.......I want the goldfish's side to heal....but I fear it never will with the plecco bugging it all the time.....please advise.....Thanks...Linda

Hi Linda;

He may be hungry, but he could kill those goldfish if he doesn't stop bothering them. You could try adding romaine lettuce to the tank, or a chunk of peeled raw squash.

Move him out or put a divider in the tank if he continues to harrass them. Once plecostamus develop a taste for goldfish slime they may not ever stop. Sounds pretty disgusting I know, but it is true.........(Yuck!)

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins