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fish setup

23 11:17:58

Hi RON, so my tank with a huge pacu and pagasius was in mid cycle, when i stupidly cleaned gravel and filters, I have also added anti-clouding stuff.. I have been testing water ph and ammonia, which was in mid range so i put a reducer/detoxifier in called ammonia clear and also used a nitrate reducer.. Anyways, the tank got much cloudier as the nitrogen cycle probably started again.. Does this mean it will take twice as long to cycle or be twice as toxic for the fish? They seem fine and i have been doing weekly 15% water changes., I have a big canister filter and also another external with carbon filter and bio wheel. ITs a 135 gallon tank. Any products or reccomendations for getting though this? thanks!

Hi Davy,
 Actually there is no problem in cleaning the gravel and filters at any time.  That isn't what caused the cloudiness.  The cloudiness is because your tank hasn't fully cycled yet and large fish eat a lot. That makes it a challenge.  

 I suggest you change 25% of the water each day for about three days.  Then resume with changing 25% once a week, every week.  You can add the anti-clouding stuff if you like.  It won't do anything for the first few days, but then it will start to have an effect.  I would not add other chemicals like the nitrate reducer, etc.  The tank will settle down with time (about 6 weeks in total).

-- Ron C.
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