Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > nitrate


23 11:20:48

I have a 30 gallon tank that has been cycled for a long time.It has two blue gourami. I filter with a rena xp3. ammonia is 0,nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 5.0. I do 30-35% water changes every week and vac the water is always very clear. I would like to get my nitrate to 0 as well but it always stays at about 5.0 or a little lower. do you think it is ok for it to be 5.0. Also i am going to set up a 75 gallon tank in my basement. The temperature in the basement stays at about 60 all year. do you think the aquarium heaters could keep the water temperature ok with the room temp as low as 60.I plan on using one or two 300 watt heaters. thank you so much.

Hi Don
You have nothing to worry about at 5.0 nitrates.  Keep doing your water changes, make sure your ammonia, and nitrite levels are zero, and everything will be fine.  Never use chemicals to bring down the nitrates, they do not work, and do more harm than good.  Your nitrates are not high enough to worry about.  When nitrates are high, the only solution is water changes.  
I would use two 300 watt heaters in a 75 gallon tank.  This will ensure that the water stays stable.  
I hope this will help.