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23 14:36:53

My fiance is interested in getting a betta after seeing the one my mother has had for years.  The tank for my mother is a round bowl with a plant suspended at the top with the roots in the water.  Could you tell us what types of plants would work well for this type of bowl?  Also what kind of underwater plants would be right if she wishes to go that way?  Thanks for the service.

Hi Dennis;

Even though your fiance's mom has one that has lived a very long time, it's really an exception and not the norm. Many bettas have died in those types of setups for various reasons. You are much better off with a small tank that has live plants. Here are some articles about the dangers of the betta vase/bowl with an above water plant and what bettas really need;

Look at your local fish store for aquarium plants for your betta tank. I like Java Fern, Java Moss and anacharis. they are pretty hardy plants. If your betta tank will not have a light in the top, avoid anacharis. It needs a lot of light to thrive. The Java Fern and Java Moss are a low-light plant so they do well in many different aquarium situations.

Whatever you choose, have fun with it!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins