Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My Fish seem to be awkward.

My Fish seem to be awkward.

23 11:48:21

ive got 4 blood parrot fish which are 6-8years old..
ones 6inch and the other 3 are 4 inch.
ive recently got 2 tinfoil barbs and 2 jewel fish.
The barbs get on fine but seem occasionily get a bit into their fins...
I've suspected the jewel fish as they are more violent than my parrot fish, and when we got our jewel fish they were together as a pair, but then have split and one of them seems to be very nice and peaceful where as another one changes colour and starts attacking the other one.
They are all in a 39 gallon tank. and i was hoping probably to add more fish... any suggestions and i hope you can answer my questions above !
Thanks Alex :D

ANSWER: Hi Alex,
  I don't think adding more fish will help the problem.  More likely the opposite will occur. The one jewel cichlid, likely the male, is trying to establish a territory in the tank, as jewel cichlids do, so if you put more fish in there, he is going to have to bite more of them to keep them away.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yeah could i add fish and what could i. Also what do i do with the other jewel fish let him die because hes just in the corners or at the bottom with absolute no colour just dull. And what fish could i add or cant i because i want some more so the jewel won't bully them..
Thanks :D

ANSWER: Hi Alex,
 No you can't add any more fish with the aggressive jewel in there.  He will just bully and/or kill them.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: so not either any other cichlid or fish thats bigger than them ? or fast fish? well to be honest i find the jewel fish a waste of money then because they are aggressive.. and cant add anymore fish.. but the jewel fish hasnt started on my parrot fish and has not left my tinfoil barbs alone ?
thanks :D

Hi Alex,
 It is important to research a fish before you buy it so that you know what you are getting into before you have it.  Jewel cichlids are tough little fish.   

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>