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Oscar fights

23 14:23:56

Hey Ron,I had 4 oscars.2 bigger tigers, one smaller tiger and an albino.After a few days ago,one of the bigger tigers was bullying the albino.Oh,and the smallest tiger Oscar was doing fine until it had a few white spots on it cornea.Its not hole in the head but i have to be you have any knowledge on what are the good tankmates for Oscars besides plesocotomus(sorry for spelling)?Are tinfoil barbs okay?Or what about snow white chilids.Let me know ASAP.

Hi Brandon,
 Anything that will fit in an oscar's mouth will end up there eventually, so only consider fish at least as large as an oscar.  

 Most people find that the only tankmates that last with oscars are other oscars (and those not always or even often) and very large plecostomus.  

 The white on the cornea is the result of a bite from another oscar -- they bite each other on the eye.

-- Ron
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