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Lump and rasied scales

23 14:48:50

I have a 2.5 gallon tank that I do a 100% water change on once a week that houses one betta. He has had rased scales and a lump on the top of his mouth for the past 2 weeks and i have been treating it with aquarium salt and melafix. for the past 3 days i have treated him with tetracycline which he will not eat. So does it still help him? Is there a better medication that i could use for him or something eles i should be doing.

Hi Sheri,
There are a lot of reports about betas with bumps on them. I think Maracyn 2 will help with that its a great medicine. Also it sounds like he has dropsy.
Thats a great site and if you go all the way down it will help you dianose your fish. Your fish could have dropsy but it could be constipation. I hope your fish diesn'thae dropsy because there is no treatment out there.
sorry about all the spelling mistakes i'm a little in a hurry today.