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maybe babies???

23 14:03:00

i don't know if you could help me but i bought my son 4 fish they are tetras and i was told they were all males well one of them the other 3 fish would pick on it got fat changed colors and now it is hovering on the bottom of the tank next to two rocks and it will come up every once and a while swim for a minute and then go back down and it doesn't like when any of the other fish go down to that area! since it has started doing this it has gotten skinny and its losing its color could it be pregnant? (my tank is just a one gallon tank) if you could help that would be great!!

Hi Amanada,
  Tetras are egg layers so they don't get pregnant as such.  Most tetras are egg scatterers, meaning that the fish lays the eggs all over the place and doesn't provide any parental care.  There are very, very few tetras that make a nest or anything like that.  Are you sure that your fish are tetras?

-- Ron
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