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tank mates chiclids

23 11:31:51


I have a thirty gallon tropical tank with several zebra danio, an ottocinclus, and a bristlenosed pleco.

I love colour, and chiclids and gouramis and rainbowfish seem to be the most colourful. unfortunately they dont seem to be compatible. i have several questions.

what is the difference (size, colorfulness, aggression) between american and African chclids?

which types are least aggressive? would any type be ok with gourami and rainbows? maybe rams?

can i mix american and African chiclids?

what specific types would you recommend for my tank? (30 gal, w/ danio, pleco, and otto)

ANSWER: Hello,
You cannont mix african cichlids with south american cichlids.  African cichlids are much more territorial, and aggressive.  They also live in a different PH which must be alkaline, and most South American Cichlids live in acidic to neutral.  They also have different ways of spawning, and each need different care.  Most need big tanks.  An African Cichlid tank should be at least 50 gallons.  You must read up on the African Cichlids, some get to be quite big, and need bigger tanks.
South American Cichlids also need big tanks.  Some also get very big, and need big tanks.  The Oscar is one fish that gets very big.  He needs a 65 gallon tank all to himself.  You see, it is better to read up on fish before putting them into a tank.
Rainbow fish live in schools of at least six of which 4 must be female.  They would also need a big tank as they are good swimmers.
All fish have different personalities, I cannot describe every fish to you.  In a 30 gallon tank, I would add platys ( one male, and 3 females, or all females) guppys...(One male, three females) 1 honey gourami, and 1 sunset blue gourami, a clown loach, and 6 cory catfish.  I would buy only males or females in the gouramis as they do get quite aggressive when they spawn.  You could also add one moonlight gourami, and one Pearl gourami.  Add a live floating plant for the gouramis, and add silk or real plants to your tank.


If you prefer rams, then you must go with dwarf cochlids.  You must have overturned pots, and flat rocks, many hiding places for them.  Read up on them, you will get all the information you need.  A school of danios would be okay to keep with rams, tetras, and 2 angel fish.   
Do not add all the fish at once as this would cause your water chemistry to change, killing off all your fish.  Add two, wait one week, do a 25% water change, check your water for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.  If your water chemistry is perfect, add two more fish, wait one week, do a 25% water change, and so on.  Be very careful not to overstock your tank.
I would advise you to buy these water kits.  (Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates, and also PH)  You will need them often.  Good water chemistry means zero Ammonia, zero Nitrites, and Nitrates should be low.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish, so it is important to do your water changes weekly.  Plecos must be fed sinking algae pellets, and sinking shrimp pellets.  They do not live on algae alone, and they do not eat spoiled food that falls to the bottom of the tank.  All bottom fish must be fed or they will starve to death.
Always ask the store manager the name of the fish you buy before you buy it, whether common or scientific name.  Read up on all fish you put in your tank.
Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your response. Chiclids includ so many fish, it is difficult to readup on them to see what types suit me when i dont even know the basics.
i still have two things im notsure about. will rams be ok with gouramis?
if i did not get gouramis, what other dwarf chiclids would go with rams? (kerbinises mabey?)

Cichlids are all territorial, and aggressive.  South American Cichlids are less aggressive than African Cichlids, but when they pair off, and have eggs, they guard their eggs, and will fight off any fish that dare go near their fry.  Krebensis, and rams should mix.  I cannot guarantee this.  They all have their personality, some are a little more aggressive than others.  The Krebensis female is a beauty.  She is the exception to the rule, and is prettier than the male.  They both look after their fry, and usually make good parents.  The Rams are also good parents, but there is always exceptions to the rule.  You will have to provide hiding places if you buy these fish.  Overturned pots, and rocky formations to make caves, and also small flat rocks.  Silk trees must be added, and gouramis such as the Honey, or Sunset should get along with the dwarfs, but they need a floating live plant.  They all like the same water, acidic to neutral.  6.5 to 7.0 PH  Keep in mind, that although dwarfs, these little cichlids have the same charater as the big ones, and will defend their territory.  Never put dwarfs in alone, they must be 1 male to 3 females.  
Another beauty is the Cuckatoo Cichlid.  He too should be kept with three females, and gets along with little gouramis.
The most important thing to do is to make sure your so not overstock your tank, and that the cichlids have enough room to make their territories.  They must have room, so you can make a choice in these fish.  You can also look up different dwarfs.  Put "Apistogramma Cichlid Pictures" in search, and you will see many little drawfs.
Clean water with no ammonia, no nitrites, and low nitrates are a must, and good food.  Feed them well, and you will avoid disease.  It is better to feed your fish 3-4 times a day in small amounts, than to feed them once a day in big amounts.
Daphnia, Bloodworms, Brine Shrimps, and a good quality flake, and pellet would be good food for them.
I hope this helps.