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Cleaning the Tank

23 14:03:01

Hello, I know that your profile says you aren't an expert on goldfish, but this question is not so much about the fish.  I had a black moor goldfish, and it died recently after it got caught in the filter intake tube.  It was disease free and brand new.  It lived about a week.  I was wondering how much of the water I should change in my 10 gallon tank before adding a new one.  I know it is generally not good to completely change all the water, as that will start the cycling process all over again, and this tank had just about finished cycling.  However, I didn't know whether or not I could do a high % partial water change and then put a new fish in.  Thank you for your time.

Hi Nick,
  If that was your only fish, I would start fresh and clean out the whole tank.  I also strongly discourage you from keeping goldfish -- they are actually not the easiest fish to keep and highly prone to disease.

-- Ron
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