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ich( i think ) on neon tetras in cycling tank

23 11:04:23

hi jaymie! recently (two weeks ago), i added 5 neon tetra fish to my 5 gallon tank which had been running without any fish for approx. 2 weeks prior. water parameters are all fine and i've done 1 water change (25%). temp is at 76 degrees. whisper filter. the fish are eating well (tetra flakes) and seem okay except for what looks like ich(small, white spots, right?) on their tails and fins. what do you recommend for treatment and should i be doing ANY water changes when trying to cycle a tank? thanx for your help!

When cycling a tank, it is best to do it with no fish. The cycle process can take 6 weeks or more. As for the Ich, slowly turn the heater up until it is at 85 degrees. I would also add some aquarium salt in the ratio of 1 teaspoon per gallon of water or 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons. The heat will speed up the life cycle of Ich and the salt will help get rid of it. Ich should be gone 1 to 2 weeks if you turn up the heat and add the salt. Once Ich is gone, slowly turn the heater back to the right temperature and start removing the salt by doing 25% water changes every day for 5 days.