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Setting up Cichlid tank

23 14:02:34

I have 8 Cichlids. I keep my water at 82. They are growing too big for the tank. So I have started another tank. My question is twofold. 1 I have an undergravel filter and two air stones in my new 60 gal. What is the proper way to start up a tank. I put 12 goldfish and 6-10 guppies in to start the cycle. Do I want to do water changes or wait till the ammonia levels peak out at 3-4 ppm then when nitrites start showing pull out the goldfish and put in some of my cichlids(pike cichlid and maybe 2 of the Dempsies. My 2nd question is on my main 55 gal tank I change 28-32 % of the water from the gravel every 7-9 days should I change the filters and air tube charcoals at the same time or a few days later.

Hi Mark,
 There is no absolute best way to start a tank.  In your case, since you already have  a good working tank, I would take half the water from that tank, put it in the new tank and you will be pretty much ready do to go.  That is what we do when we need to set up a bunch of new tanks in my lab.

  I don't think it matters too much whether you change the water and filters at the same time.  If you really want to do it "right", change one thing and then wait a day and change another thing.  Often that just isn't practical and provided you are doing regular water changes as you say that you are, you should be fine.

-- Ron
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