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Aquarium gravel

23 11:52:18

I just got a 20 gallon fish tank a few months past. So far all is well. The fish seem healthy and the water is crystal clear. The only thing i haven't put in is gravel, this is because i don't really like the look, and find it harder to clean off the algae. My parents recently purchased a 50 gallon tank from some friends. there is a ton of gravel left on the bottom. I am wondering if it is o.k. to use this instead of needlessly purchasing more from the store?  Thanks.

Hi Eric,

Gravel is not necessary, although it's a great host for the beneficial bacteria that your tank needs to eat up the harmfull ammonia that is created from the fish waste.  It does aid in keeping your tank balanced and healthy.  Healthy tanks don't have problems with algae so to avoid algae don't expose the tank to direct sunlight, only keep the tank light on 8-10 hours a day, don't overfeed, and do routine maintenance and you shouldn't have a problem with algae.

Personally, I would not use leftover gravel.  There is no telling what parasites or bacterium may be lurking.  Plus, gravel is extremely cheap.

Good luck : ) April M.