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betta acting funny

23 14:11:09

Hi, I've had my betta for about 1 year now and he's been completely healthy
and happy. In the past week I noticed that he stopped swimming around his
bowl and only floats at the top. Once in a while he will gain a ton of energy
and dart around the bowl in a very strange manner. Then he'll return to the
top again. He barely eats any food and spits most out. We've cleaned the
water in the tank several times. Could you please tell me what might be
wrong with him? Thanks so much.

If the water is too cold his metabolism can slow waaay down and make him feel lethargic. Be sure that his temperature is between 75-85 degrees - it helps to have a thermometer inside the tank to be accurate - and make sure you are cleaning his bowl out at least twice a week. It would honestly be easier on both you and the fish if you were to put him into a two gallon tank. Less cleaning for you, more clean water for him. You only have to do a 40% water change once a week. Just make sure you siphon water from the bottom - not the top.
Try also giving him some bloodworms. Most bettas can't resist. And make sure you aren't overfeeding him.