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Female betta and eggs

23 11:13:46

I have a male and a female Betta.I put them in the tank together and he chased her and then hurt her on her side.I have now separated them but today I found what looks like little round eggs around a plant. Also she is staying real close to them. The  eggs and her are separate from the male. What are the chances that they will hatch and how do I take care of them if they do? This is my first attempt at  having fish.  

Hi Vicki, well to begin, Male and female Beta shouldn'tt really be kept together except for a few hours or so, for the purpose of breeding, while they spawn. Most male Beta are highly aggressive, some on the other hand, you may be able to get away with keeping a couple in a tank with a few more female Beta. Female beta will live together in the same tank, most of the time. Anyway, the best thing I think to feed the Beta is Brine Shrimp or freeze dried Bloodworms. You mentioned the male hurt the female, which is not uncommon during spawning. Either way make sure neither one of them get hurt too badly. The male however will build a bubble nest for the female to put he eggs in, and then the female should be removed actually and the male will take care of the eggs. It may seem as if he is eating the eggs but actually he is cleaning them with a special chemical in its mouth. Once the fry are hatched, the other Beta should be removed in my opinion. To feed the new fry, I suggest taking the Bloodworms and flake food, combining the both in a plastic baggy, and crunch it all together to make a powder food of some sort for them. It is pretty difficult to raise the fry in an aquarium. Most breeders use a pond of some sort which contains infusoria, which is most often the most successful way to provide nutrition to fry of any kind. Here is a website which will definitely serve you well in your new experience of raising fry.
Good luck. If you have any other questions of some sort, feel free to ask anytime. Keep me updated!!!