Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > How much and how Often should Coy Fish be Fed

How much and how Often should Coy Fish be Fed

23 14:27:22

Hello Bethany. I have a 1100 gallon pond with about 90 Coy fish. I have no idea how much and how often I should feed my fish. As of now I feed them the Tetra Pond soft sticks. Also, Do they grow faster by feeding them more?

Thank You


My goodness! That's quite a large pond! The general rule is never to feed them more than what they can eat between 3-5 minutes twice a day. Feeding them more can often result in over feeding which can kill them, so I suggest just feeding them what they will eat in that time period and let nature take it's course ^.^. I hope this helps!
