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10 gallon

23 11:10:18

QUESTION: hi im Mason and i am 13. I am getting a 10 gallon aquarium. I want a bigger aquarium but due to money, and trust constraints i have to get a 10 gallon. What are some fresh water fish that would be compatible, and i would be able to fit in a 10 gallon?

ANSWER: Hi Mason

Unfortunately in a 10 gallon, you are limited to the types of fish and how many you can keep. 10 gallons are very easy to overstock. Your best bet is to keep smaller fish that are not schoolers such as Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails, Platys, Dwarf Gouramis. These would all do fine as singles or in groups. Just remember if the adult fish will be 2 inches, you could only keep 5 of them in a 10 gallon. One inch of fish per gallon of water to keep from overstocking which can kill your fish.

Hope this helps, good luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you very much Richard. That was a huge help. Does getting 4 tiger barbs (which i have read their maximum growth is 2.5 inches) sound like a good plan for a ten gallon?

Hiya again Mason

You can keep 4 Tiger Barbs in a 10 gallon without putting anything else in the tank as far as space goes. However, Tiger Barbs are a schooling fish that do much better in groups of at least 6, and you will likely end up with unhappy and unhealthy fish. I don't recommend any fish that schools for a 10 gallon.

Hope this helps, good luck!
