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African Dwarf Frog Fighting?

23 14:48:17

Hi, I have had one african dwarf frog in my tank for a year now, and I decided I would get her a buddy. The first thing my older frog did was swim over and bite at the younger frog (who is about a 1/3 of her size). There are also 3 fish in the tank who all seem to live peacefully. I could stick one of the frogs over with my boy friends bettas if that would be better or return it to the petstore. Most websites seemed to say that the frogs should get along. Thank you very much for your time.

Hi Laura,
 I have never kept dwarf frogs but the fighting doesn't surprise me at all.  The older frog sees the new frog as an intruder into his territory and he wants the new frog to move on.   It is possible that they might get along after awhile but with the two so different in size, it is unlikely that the little one will last that long.  I would separate them.

-- Ron
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