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betta with fin problem...

23 11:37:07


Betta Problem
I have a betta that is maybe 1 or 2 years old now... About a month or so ago she got a hole in her fin. I put salt in her water and I have been cleaning it often, but the fin completely ripped down the hole and now we have a problem... I attatched a picture. Currently I have her in a 2 gallon bowl with a heater at 78-80 degrees. She has a bunch of plants also-a common aquarium plant (I'm not sure of the name). She doesn't seem to be in pain..but I can't really tell. It looks almost like the scales on her body above the hole are a kind of gray olor, but she moves too much to really check. I have been feeding her pellets, flakes and the occasional worm or pea. If you have any idea of what it could be, Please Help!! Thank you very much. I just want the best for the betta (Princess).
Thank you,

Hi Helen,
He is a beauty!  You must quickly buy him an antibiotic for fin, and tail rot.  "Tetracycline" is a good medication to use.  This disease quickly eats away at a fish, so do not delay.  Change all of his water, and start the medication.  Be careful not to overdose.  You could also add 1/2 teaspoon aquarium salt to his water with the medication.  Keep his water very clean.  On the third day, change all of his water again, always using a good water conditioner such as "Stress Coat", and continue treatment for another 4 days.  Change his water again so that he has clean water to regain his strength in.  You could continue to add diluted aquarium salt.  Salt helps with parasites, and stress.
I hope he gets better quickly.