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lake malawi african cichlid 120 gal tank

23 11:32:49

I work at a pet shop and the boss started an African cichlid tank... well now after about about a month we are having a huge problem with extremely high ammonia and high nitrates and bad that nothing even water changes aren't helping.. I am at my wits ends trying to lower but nothing is working...any help you can give would really help

Hi Lori,
The best way to cycle the tank is to take a used sponge from one of your other tanks.  If the tanks are smaller, take two, and put them in the filter which is filtering your 120 gallon tank.  You could also add handfuls of gravel from established tanks to help bring in good bacteria.  Never use a fish, the sponge, and gravel will eventually work in time.  It should take about one month.  Do small water changes, or add water as it evaporates.  The ammonia, nitrites should go down to zero, and your nitrates should be low.  Never rinse your sponge in tap water.  This would kill the good bacteria in your sponge.  Just squeeze off the access water, and put it directly into your filter.  Sponges should always be rinsed in water that we remove from the tank when cleaning the filter.  This way you always keep the good bacteria.  A sponge is good for a very long time, until it is old, ragged, and falling apart.
You will have to be patient, and wait for the water chemistry to be perfect.
I hope this will help.