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Crowntail Beta

23 12:02:26

Hi Jack,
I have a crowntail beta.  I keep him in a five gallon bowl with stones and a live peace plant.  The conditions are good except for one thing, the temperature of our house and his water.  I received him in a container that was 68.5F. I transferred him to my fishbowl at that same temperature.  This morning the temperature was 65.3F.  We heat by wood stove and the temperature in the house fluctuates.  What are the temperature parameters for a beta and what happens if the water gets too cold?  What conditions keep a beta alive and what kills them?  Thank you for your expertise.

Suzanne Haveman


They like to be between 77 and 81 degrees farenheit.

people keep them in coldwater bowls and they just become unhappy, but they are tropical and need heated water.

You could try and put a heater in your tank and this will make your Betta happy =]

Good Luck  and Hope this helps    Jack