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yellowish cloudy water

23 14:14:16

hi.for some unknown reason the water in my beta fish tank has a yellow cloudy color.Not even tree days ago i changed the water,cleaned my rocks i used a big al's conditioner i feed them correctly about 2-3 palettes per day and still is comes back,the colors of my beta fishes are stating to fade there is definitely something wrong i tried bottled water still,it won't change.My fish act normally only thing is that they kind of let themselves sink to the bottom of the tank,before they would swim from the middle and up but now they don't even half of the food i give them,its like there scared of the top.i'm really concerned about my fishes.(btw its a 5 gallon tank)

Vickie,                                                       I know this sounds wierd but once in awhile I have come across bad rocks. You might want to change them. I don't know big als water conditioner , but if you have had no prb with it kool. I would use something like tap conditioner from tetra. Tina