Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Betta fish face loosing color

Betta fish face loosing color

23 15:07:21

Hi Chris, I have a blue betta fish, I have had him a couple of months, he is my second one (the other died) I have a typical round fish bowl that is kept in my living room under a spot light except for at night. He eats pretty well, I feed him in the AM and PM. recently (in the last couple days) his face has started losing it's color, it is almost white, I am concerned about him, he is a great friendly fish. Is there something I should be doing for him? Please help me help him. Thank you very much!

****I forgot to tell you to be sure and change his water once a week. They get faded when the water gets dirty.*****

Hi Lisa;

He may be getting overfed. Bettas only need 2 or 3 pellets once a day. He also needs some source of heat at night. As the temperature drops after the light goes out he will get stressed. You might try a reptile night light bulb so he can sleep but still get the warmth he needs.

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Chris Robbins

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