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Fish for Fish Bowls

23 15:04:39

I was just wondering if you could supply me a with list of fish that can live in around a 28cm diameter fish bowl without a filter. I would love to have fish but haven't got the space for a nice fish tank.

Hi Lozika;

The best fish for a bowl that size is a male betta. The most common fish that people want to put in a bowl is goldfish. But, they need a tank of at least 10 gallons with a filter. Most die a horrible death in a few weeks or less because they are so messy and get so big. (They grow to be about 8 inches.) Bettas are by nature suited to live in very small bodies of water and stay small. One gallon is the minimum size for good health. I think yours holds about 2 gallons so you are in good shape.

Here are links to info on bettas so you know about feeding, cleaning and health;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins