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Oscars eyes just dont look right

23 15:06:27

Hello  I have an Oscar and he is about 2years old now and about 9 inches long.  He is in a 33 gallon tank and has been for 18 months.  I am not sure what the chemistry of the water is, but I clean the rocks once a week and change the water every two weeks.  Recently he has developed what looks like really white skin discoloration around the eye.  It hasn't clouded his eye ball but the skin around it doesn't quite look right. There is no swelling and he is acting like it doesn't bother him.  I would like to know if it is a medical problem and if so what do I need to do to treat it.  I am very fond of my little friend and spend a great deal of time with him and playing with him.  His activity level is up and he is eating fine.  Please help so that I can make his eyes better.  Thank you

Hi Twyla;

Watch to be sure his eyes aren't beginning to protrude. This would indicate pressure from infection or a tumor or something.

If you could get a picture of him with a digital camera and post it on the freshwater fish board I could take a look.

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