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fin rot or nibbling

23 15:06:27

I have a bala shark that has been the last to adjust to a new aquarium.  I also have a dwarf puffer who I think has been nibbling the bala's fins. I have no proof because when I watch, I don't see the puffer getting close enough.  How can I tell the difference between fin rot, and nibbling?
Thank you for your help.

Hi Brandon;

I would suspect the puffer is nibbling. It's what they do. Puffers need to be in a tank with their own kind. They have teeth and will bite chunks out of other fish. Cute as a button, but oh so nasty!

You might need to know that bala sharks get 12 inches long. Very hyper, they can hurt themselves when they get startled in a tank too small. They are also schooling fish that should be in pairs or groups.

How long has your tank been set up?
Do you have other fish?

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