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when a orange Parrot fish turns light from Dark Orange

23 11:58:23

i have a parrot fish that has turned a palish orange, altho it seems healthy enough, could you tell me why they do this? They've done it before and darkened back up, I think its a female cuz she lays tons of eggs, but then they all eat them    strange..... these fish are as big as my hand.. I have 3 left Thank you

Hi Briget,

Most color changes are due to poor water conditions or a lack of broad spectrum lighting.  I would test the water asap and make sure you have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 5-20 ppm nitrate.  Also, make sure you that you the appropriate lighting in your tank and leave it on 8-10 hours daily.

It's really no harm to the fish unless the water is off.

Most egglayers will eat the eggs.  If you want them to hatch you usually have to move the eggs to another tank or move the parents.

Good luck : ) April M.