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which fish can I put together

23 14:39:22

I was told by a pet store that the silvertip Shark can live with neon tetras. I am pretty sure they ate 2 of may tetras. Should I take them back or they just establishing there territory?

Firstly, I doubt very much the fish is a silvertip Shark, as they grow to over 3 metres!
I am not sure what the fish is if it is not a Silvertip shark. Could you possibly describe it, or even better, email a picture to me at Then I shall have a better idea of what the fish is.
If he has the build of a shark, he is probably in the shark family, just much smaller. Even then, they grow very big, and will eat any fish that can fit in it's mouth.
If any more tetras go missing, i would immediately take him back to the pet shop. He will most probably outgrow the tank anyway.
Thank you, and good luck.
Best wishes,