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blackmoor eye problems

23 14:43:48

Hi Amber
I have 1000 lt plus concrete fish pond with 12 gold fish 3 koi and two blackmoors.My problem is one of the blackmoors lost an eye,by the time i realised it had completely healed up, this was xmas day. Now the poor little fella has lost the other one. Do u think it is a disease or the koi are attacking it.I have added some salt and will keep an "eye" on him.The other one is fine. THanks.

Hello Luke-

Unfortunately the koi are probably picking on your moors. It would be best if you could remove the moors to a separate environment, but if this isn't possible, you could try adding more plants or other cover for them to hide in. The salt is a great idea and will greatly help to heal any open wounds and prevent infection.

Hope this is useful!
-Amber Worman