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My fish...

23 14:39:23

Yeah... Any idea why he died? Because of the water huh?
The text above is a follow-up to ...


Do you remember me? I'm the one who had a Flowerhorn -- Cichlid fish. But it's dead now.

I changed removed 20%-25% of the fish tank water daily. Not me, but someone does it for me. Even after doing so, the fish tank water is still dirty. So, we talked and decided to change the whole water just for once.

The next morning I wake up, I see that my fish is breathing very slowly and the eyes is cloudy -- like had something over it and the fins were turning white. When I came home from school today, it was dead.

I buried it. Me and my sister went around our house to pick some flowers and then I used twigs to make a cross.

Hi Jessica,
 I'm very sorry for not answering.. I was out of the country.

 I also sorry to hear about your flowerhorn.  It sounds like you tried very hard to do the best you could for him.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

Hi Jessica,
 It could have been the water, but it is very hard to see, particularly since I never saw him or the water.   

 Many times I have fish that die and I don't know exactly what caused them to do die.

-- Ron   
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