Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Mollie


23 14:23:39

Hi ,
I have a tank with 1x angel fish ,4 small fish (think they are small shark's) 2 guppies and a mollie ... I noticed this week that my mollie has given birth to an identical colour baby the thing is ... there is only 1 mollie in there?
I have had her for 6 months or more and only ever had one .

How is this possible ?

Would be grateful for any light you can shed on this ..

Puzzled ...

Regard s,


Hi Michelle,
 Fascinating isn't it...  the reason is that mollies, like some other livebearing fish, can store sperm for a long time. Basically she only really needs to mate once in her life and she can keep on using sperm from that mating to produce babies for a very long time (possibly her whole life).

-- Ron
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