Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > girl betta of age...

girl betta of age...

23 15:05:27

I have a wonderful little girl betta.  She has reached that age of egg laying.  I have male bettas, but I don't think I 'm ready to be a fish parent... Are there any health issues I should look for if her eggs go unfertilized?

Hi Kerri;

Female egglaying fish can become eggbound if not allowed to breed but most females simply re-absorb the eggs into their bodies, but if you see her belly getting way too large and doesn't seem to be able to do that you may have to breed her. You could always remove the fertilized eggs from the bubble nest afterwards.

Go to the freshwater fish forum on for really good info on fish of all kinds. We have a betta breeder or two over there that may have other suggestions for you as well. Here is the link;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins