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Badly Kept Betta- is it too late?

23 14:27:53

Dear Bethany,
I have been very busy over the past three weeks, with my house being remodeled, a track program for my daughter, soccer for my son, and a very busy time at my work.

We have a house hold pet, Dominique Sam, a Beta. We keep him in a large vase by himself with a water plant on top (which the saleslady said he eats).  I have had him for about 1 3/4 year. But with all the hustle around, my kids have forgot to feed him regularly. I finally noticed when I was making my daughters bed that he was fading in color and at the bottom of his tank. I hurriedly changed the water and fed him son Wardly Premium Beta Food. Unfortunately, he will not eat it. What should I do to nurse him back to health?

Thank you so much,
-Melanie Brilling


3 weeks of no water changes and no feeding? The best thing you can try to do is continue to feed him the food (suck out whatever he does not eat), keep his water clean, and just hope for the best. If he doesn't perk up within a few days, it's most likely too late to save Dominique Sam and it might be a good idea to put him down humanely.  I know this sounds odd, but you can also call your local veterinarian and see if he/she has any advice for the situation & the best way to put the fish down without causing it extreme harm and discomfort before it finally dies. I would express my opinion on this matter, but it is best to get a true professional to help you with something such as this.
