Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > are my beta fish gonna die

are my beta fish gonna die

23 15:07:18

My name is Jennifer, I have 2 male betas in a  small tank with a plastic divider. They seemed very healthy when we got them, and stayed healthy for a while. I moved the tank from a nice sunny place in the living room to a not so sunny place in the bedroom. Now they seem very lazy, a little pale, and they're actually loosing fins! To top it off they wont even flare anymore. Are they sick? Is there anything I can do?

Hi Jennifer;

They are probably too cold. Get a heater for their tank to raise it up to 80 or 85 degrees. Bettas need at least 78 degrees all the time, but need even higher when they are sick. Change some water (25%) at least once a week to keep infection from setting into the damaged fins. Also get a product called Melafix. It has natural ingredients that will help grow new fins back and inhibit infection on them. Melafix doesn't burn them like other traditional medicines can.

Hope they feel better soon......

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