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Angelfish tank buddys!

23 11:25:28

QUESTION: What are some good tank mates for angelfish? will zebra danios be eaten? how about mollys, platys?

ANSWER: Hi Ryan,
Angel fish are Cichlids, and Cichlids are territorial.  You must add silk plants immitating sword plants, and different plants in your tank.  The pretty "Blue Ram" would be good tankmates as they live in the same PH.  Angels, and rams live in an acidic to neutral PH.  If you buy rams, buy 3 females, and one male to avoid fights between males, or just one couple.  Your tank should be decorated with overturned pots, and flat rocks.  Your tank should be big enough to house these fish.  Angels need 10 gallons of water each.  This means one angel to a 10 gallon tank, 2 angels to a 20 gallon tank, and so on.  Mollies do not make good tankmates for angel fish.  Mollies need hard brackish water, alkaline water that should be around 7.6 - 8.0 PH.  Platys could live with Angel fish, but you must keep them in schools.  One male to 4 females, if your tank is big enough, and well planted.  There is no problem with zebra danios.
There are other fish that can also live with Angels, but you must write back, and tell me the size of your tank, so I can help you choose the right amount of fish.  Overstocking a tank will stress your fish, causing disease, and stress.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i curently have a 55 gallon

You could put in 2 Angel fish, two Parrot fish, a school of rainbow fish, at least 5 rainbows,  5-6 Cory catfish, 3 botia clown fish, two Pearl Gouramis ( buy the gouramis the same sex so that you have no problems) one pleco.  The Parrot fish grow quite big, so this would be your limit if you go with these fish.
2 Angel fish, 4 golden dwarf gouramis,( you must provide a floating plant for the dwarf gouramis, and buy them all the same sex)  6 platys ( always buy more females than males )  You could buy just one male, and they will all be happy) 4 Germain Blue Rams, 2 pearl gouramis, ( same sex) one bottom fish.
If you like big fish, you could buy 2 angels, and one severum, a school of rainbow fish, ( Bosemani Rainbows, and Red Rainbows are really beautiful)  6-8 cory catfish, one talking catfish, or a Panaque.  Buy them all small so that they will all get along.
Make sure you have lots of plants, real or silk, overturned pots, and flat rocks for the dwarf rams, and if you go with the Severum, feed him veggies once or twice a week.  Well washed spinach, peas, and boston lettuce should be part of his menu.  The bottom fish should have sinking wafers, and shrimp pellets.  They do not live on algae alone.  
Do not add all of these fish at once.  Add 2-3 fish, wait one week, do a 25% water change, check your water for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.  If your water chemistry is perfect, add three more, wait one week, do a 25% water change, check your water, and so on.  If you add all these fish at once your water chemistry will change killing off all your fish, so make sure your water is always free of ammonia, and nitrites.  You can buy these small test kits at the Pet Store or Walmart, and they are always handy to have.  Driftwood will help bring your PH down if it is high.  Wash the driftwood well, and put it in a pail for a week or so to get rid of the tint.  Which ever you choose, you will have a beautiful tank.  Do 25% water changes every week, vary their diet, and you should have no problems.
I hope this helps.