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African Cicilid

23 14:28:21


I have a 12 year old African cicilid that recently started to float at the top of the water. He does not seem to want to eat and can occasionaly go tot he bottom of the tank. He seems to be breathing ok. It looks like he is swollen on his left side which is the side that is making him float. It also looks like he is in pain hen he does swim for about 30 seconds then heads back to the top. I have had no problems with him in the past. I need to find an answer or resolution....I hate seeing him like this.

Please help.

The Schmittou's

Hi Michelle,
  Unfortunately that sounds like either a tumor or a swim bladder infection, and there really isn't anything you can do about either of those.  Twelve years is a very long time for an African cichlid.  Sorry.  

-- Ron
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