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Is my fish going to die?

23 14:11:40

Is my fish going to die? I know he has ick but I have been treating it for 48 hours now. I think it's too late
I have been treating him with ickaway for 48 hours now and he is getting so much worse. Now he won't eat and he keeps putting his tail up to the filter to let the filter suck on it. His tail is halfway missing. I posted some pictures on PLEASE HELP ME!! I almost feel like I should just flush him, he is suffering so bad. Please help me

Hi Erica,

I'm afraid that I couldn't view your pictures because the URL doesn't seem to be working.

However, this sounds like your fish is suffering from Whitespot (Ich) and fin-rot. To be honest I wouldn't run him on both treatments as this could have a detrimental affect on both the fish and the tank. I think it is probably for the best if you euthanise the fish.

I'm sorry but Ich is brings high amounts of stress to the fish and it would be better for both you and him if you were to put him out of his misery.

Sorry for not being as helpful as I would have liked, but it's the only course of action that I would suggest.
