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Salt & red gills

23 15:07:37

Two days ago I added a neon tetra to my five gallon tank. My water tested safe for ammonia.I already had a neon tetra & a corydoras catfish, both whom are healthy. I noticed that the gills on my new tetra are VERY red and it looks like half of the gill covering on both sides are gone, thus exposing the red color of the gills. He seems fairly alert and energenic, but has only half the appetite of my other neon. Does he have Hemorhagic Septicemia? On a different subject, I regularly add sea salt to my tank (less than 1 teaspoon per gallon with water changes) and I just read on the internet that adding salt could be harmful to Cory Catfish. Is this true? I have a mechanical power filter & a heater and my tank has been set up for three months. Thank you!

Hi Nancy;

He is probably just in shock a bit from being moved. Give him another day or two to get adjusted.

I've used salt in my aquariums for years even with cory cats. I just use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon so it doesn't bother them.

There are quite a few fish in there for a little tank. Keep up with weekly 25% water changes so the fish will stay healthy. Or, you could always get a bigger tank! I'm always looking for an excuse to do that! LOL!

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Chris Robbins

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