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My Beta is not eating!

23 14:10:54

Hello, My Beta (Freida) has not eat anything for about 2 weeks now. She just lays around the tank. Sometimes she buries her head in the marbels or sits with her bottom down in them. I also noticed yesterday that she looks sort of grayish and she is normally red. I have her in a small bowl with no heater, but the last time I changed her water I heated it up. I have also always feed her flakes and normally she goes crazy over them, but lately she just doesn't even act like they are there. And the food just floats at the top. I try to talk to her but she just looks like, "please help me." I am very worried cause I have had her for a year and I am attached to her. Don't wanna loose her can you give me any advice as to what to do? I plan on getting her a tank and heater today is there anything else I should purchase? Thank You!

Hello Amanda,
Adding "hot water" to her tank is a huge no-no. Whenever you change her water, you always want to keep it at the same temperature her old water was. Sudden temperature changes can shock a fish, stress it out, and eventually kill it.
You need to be changing out her water every week, and buy her a heater. You can get a small 7.5 watt heater from most Petco's, and they are around 12 dollars. Betta Splendens need a temperature between 75 and 85 degrees F. So a thermometer would be a good idea as well, so you actually know what the temperature is in his water.
Make sure you are feeding her the correct food. Bettas are carnivores only and require a specific diet. I recommend Omega One Betta Buffet, it's the best food I've come across. You have only to look at the ingredients of the food you are buying to see the quality of it - and it only takes a few minutes to ensure you are feeding your pet a healthy diet suited to meet it's needs.