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best housing for a bett?

23 14:47:02

I have had 2 male bettas for several years.  My first 2 have passed but I got 2 more.  I have them housed in separate bowls and they seem happy and healthy.  I have lamps that keep the water around 78 degrees and feed them dried bloodworms and floating pellets.  I recently have started aquiring a few other fish tanks, have a 20 gallon, 55 gallon, and 30 gallon with various tropical fish and cichlids.  I am getting another 20 gallon this weekend.  I wonder if my bettas would be ok to put in the tanks with the tropical fish.  I would put one in each of the 20 gallon tanks which house swordtails, guppies and mollies.  Would this be a bad idea?  Would they just be better off leaving them alone in the bowls?  Is there any fish that would be ok to put with the bettas in the 20 gallon tanks?  Thank you so much.

Hello Sherri-

The bettas should be just fine with the types of fish you have mentioned, as long as the tank is not overcrowded. Be sure to watch them for the first 24 hours, however, and be sure to provide plenty of hiding places for all the fish.

Sorry for the wait,
Amber Worman