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my oscars going crazy

23 14:47:02

lately my oscars is going crazy when i try to change the water she attaque me every week I do a partial water change and he do it every time .he keep moving the rock and make a hold in the midle.he keep puching every thing I put there around and dig at the same place. i only have one oscars and is about one year old and mesure about 6 inch fish tank it's a 75 gallon and i've got two aqua clear filter 70 and a big air pump in it and every week i change 25 percent of my water and he seem to be healty wath can cause that his he lonely .can fish be lonely

Hi Marielynn,
 He is perfectly happy and healthy.  He is so happy that he is defending his home against everything and everyone (including you).  This is perfectly normal for an oscar.  

 I have a large regani cichlid (similar to an oscar) that I have had for many years.  He is perfectly happy to have me around his tank but he makes it very clear that I shouldn't go into HIS tank -- that is HIS tank and he will visciously
attack my hand if I violate his rules.  He doesn't come into my space, and I don't go into his.  

-- Ron
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