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Cichlids being scared,

23 11:09:35

QUESTION: Hello Ron,

I have a 60 gallon rectangular tank with primarily South American cichlids.  Recently the fish scatter when either my wife or myself approach the aquarium.  We have done nothing differently to cause the fish to act skiddish and its only the two of us in the home so we can't figure out why they are so scared of us.  Any suggestions to why they are so scared?  Thanks in advance!

ANSWER: Hi Bill,
 Have you been keeping up with your weekly water changes?  One of the first indications that nitrogen is building up in an established fish tank is that the fish become skittish.  I suggest that you do a 25% water change today, then another tomorrow, and one more the day after that.  See if that helps.

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank You Ron but this is a brand new tank.  The fish I've had for a while (some for years) but the tank was established about a week ago and treated accordingly.  We had a leaking problem with the old tank which is the reason for the new one.  We haven't lost any fish so it seems the water is agreeing with them.  Any idea why they may be skiddish in a new tank?

Hi Bill,
  Do you have bright lights on the tank?  That will do it.  It can also be that they are just unfamiliar with the new tank, in which case, it will decrease over time.

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>