Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Can a female swordtail cross over and get pregnant?

Can a female swordtail cross over and get pregnant?

23 14:49:09

I have two swordfish. I had a orange/gold male one but he died. I guess I pit a weak one because he was only there for about two weeks.One is all Black with a small area of whit dots. Its only around the fins. Then I have a White one with black dots all over it. They both are females and their are on males. They both had babies. I have a total of eight babies. The first three are bigger then the last five. They are about three weeks apart. And now their both pregnant again. So can they cross over or do they carry the male swordfish seed?  

Hi Rosalind,
I'm not exactly sure what your asking me but I think your asking me if your females are still carrying your dead males sperm? In many cases this does happen because the male gives the sperm to the female in seperate (packets.) She uses them as needed so thats why your swordfish are pregnant and after this time they still can be.
I hope I awnsered your question correctly and I hope I helped,