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are air filters needed for goldfish

23 11:47:38

I bought my 3 yr old daughter 5 goldfish at wal-mart last month and they all died within 4 days. they're the cheap 28cent ones. i just bought her 2 fantails and i was wondering if they need air filters or not. the tank is only 1.5 gallons. is that too small? all i know about fish involves chichlids, so i'm having trouble with these goldfish.


Yes goldfish need filters, also in your 1.5 gallon tank you could have 1 very very small goldfish for about 1 week tops. They produce alot of waste, and without a filter you would need to change 30% of the water everyday with water conditioners, which will add up

For one full groen goldfish you will need 20 Gallons and 10 Gallons for each additional one.

But for smaller goldfish i kept four 3" goldfish in a 30 Litre tank for about a year, but if you keep them in smaller tanks you cant stunt there growth, meaning there bodies will not grow but there organs will.

In your little bowl your best getting a couple of minnows, or getting a mini heater and having a betta
