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setting up a new tank

23 11:47:38

Hi, I'm setting up a new tank (20 gal) and I did something stupid.  I grabbed a
new sponge to wipe out the inside and later noticed that the sponge was
antimicrobial and not for aquarium use.  The tank is all set up and ready for
fish (which I was going to buy tomorrow) but now I'm wondering if what I did
is going to kill anything I put in the tank, and how I can fix it.  Thanks for
your help!

Hi Tracy,
 I strongly recommend that you change all the water in that tank.  I know it is a big pain but it will be even more of a pain if you have a bunch of fish die.  

 In any case, keep in mind that it is a good idea to add only a couple of fish at first and let them settle in for a few weeks before adding more.  A tank needs about 6 weeks to fully "cycle" before it can handle a fair number of fish.  If you put a bunch of fish in all at the start, they will do fine for a couple of weeks, then they will start dying one after another.

-- Ron
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