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My mollies

23 11:01:49

Two days ago I ago me some new mollies. 1 male and 2 females. One if the females have a dark gravid spot on in it's stomach and it's pretty fat. So I don't know if it's poop of babies.. So please help
Because I did to go buy a nursery tank too if it pregnet.

If she is heavy and the gravid spot is large, then you she is pregnant. You can keep her in the tank and add a lot of plants for the fry to hide. Some will not make it but some will. If you want to move them to a new tank, it is important that you have that nursery tanked cycled before you add the fry. The cycle process takes 6 weeks and sometime more. You can also buy a breeding net. You put the female in the breeding net and as the babies are born, they fall underneath so that the female cannot get them. Get the plastic one and not the one made with net material. You can keep the fry in there for a few weeks until they are big enough to go into the main tank. This breeding net attaches to the inside of the main tank. Just remove the female once all the fry have been born.