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Salting Querie

23 11:01:49

I have a 55 gallon fresh water that houses tropicals like angels, kuli loaches, dwarf gouramis,lemon tetras , rainbow fish and a black ghost knife fish. Everyone is doing well. Recently i did the mistake of buying a pair of small Columbian sharks. This was an impulse buy and usually doesn't happen this way. I also house a 150 gallon gold fish tank and a 10 gallon betta tank.

My question is, with the black ghost knife fish and the Columbian sharks.How do i salt my tank as i read that the sharks need salt where as the knife fish is sensitive?

Usually i dose about 6 tablespoons for my 55 gallons. Should i just dose 3 tablespoons keeping in mind the black ghost ?

Please advice.

Thank you,

I am not sure why you are adding salt to a fresh water aquarium. I only suggest using salt when there is an illness, such as Ich, or an injury. Once the illness or injury is gone, I then suggest removing the salt from the water. I would remove the sharks and either return them to the store, or possibly starting a salt water aquarium.