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Everything is going wrong for me

23 11:50:16

Hi Lynda. Everything is going wrong for me today. Comet has ich and me well I am off work poorly again. I think it's my warter problem going too far but I have got an appointment with my doctor later. My life is going a bit pair shaped if you know what I mean. I must be doing something wrong to have another sick fish. I don't know what though. I do everything you tell me to do. At least the other fish are ok. Comet has white ich so I treated him for that this morning. He is eating but can't swim up. I feel alot better about putting the Betta to sleep. He is in a better place now. He is happy again. I did the right tink and you helped me realise that so thank you so much.

Hi Danielle,
Ick usually attacks fish that are stressed or weak. I find it resembles us when we get a cold.  We can get it, and nobody else close to us does.  It is because our system couldn't fight it off, much like ick for fish.  I hope Comet gets rid of it quickly.  The fact that he can't swim upwards bothers me more than the ick.  He might have something else wrong...maybe Swim Bladder Disease...but you are feeding them well, and not overfeeding...we should know what is wrong soon.  He could have internal parasites...I hope not.   Keep an eye on him, and see your doctor.  You must get well too.
Take care